Why Self-Love Is Vital to Our Wellbeing?

The term love holds strong connotations of joy, inner peace, comfort, and compassion. Who doesn’t want to love and be loved? When we love someone unconditionally, we indulge ourselves in a demanding yet pleasing experience that is unexplainable in words. But what about our love for our own self? How often do we show compassion for our soul and our body?

Unfortunately, we overlook the importance of self-love, in our hectic daily life. Even if we do, we forget to love ourselves the way we love our dear ones. Let’s learn the core of self-love so we never forget to shower the plenteous love for our whole being.

Self-love originates from acceptance; acceptance of the past as well as the present. It is time we accept ourselves wholeheartedly, ‘what are my strengths and weaknesses, flaws and achievements, and where I am in the process of my journey.’ With this acceptance, comes peace. When we stop comparing ourselves with others and we accept our imperfections gracefully, we start to rise and bloom. Also, it allows us to work for our improvement and growth.

"To fall in love with yourself is the first secret to happiness." - Robert Morley

With a self-compassion approach, we learn how to overcome self-sabotaging behaviors. We no longer sacrifice our health, sleep, or inner peace for petty matters of everyday life. Instead, we cultivate self-loving habits and enjoy the blessings that we have. Loving ourselves makes us strong and courageous in the face of challenges because we have deep-rooted confidence in our abilities.

To conclude, an abundant supply of unabating self-love is imperative for our wellbeing and progress. Additionally, it fills our hearts with gratitude, empathy, and kindness. Someone has rightly said, “Your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have.”


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