A place to facilitate your healing, growth, and inner expansion to create new possibilities.
Together we can remove the blinders of self-limiting beliefs and make new declarations that empower you in your pursuit of your highest self.
What You Can Find Here
Spiritual Life Coaching
Through the MMK Process I will help you to explore your limiting beliefs, to transcend them so that you may show up authentically in a way that serves you.
Perimenopause & Menopause coaching
Helping you navigate this transitional period to live an optimized well-balanced life. Creating a vibrant and vital mindset, and healthy habits to nourish yourself on this journey of becoming a new elevated version of yourself
Val’s Personal Wellness Favs
These are goodies and health finds that help keep me balanced and physically nourished. I share them with you that perhaps they may be an aid to you as they are to me.